Location: Mansfield

There are some projects where the size of the job is the story– and supplying edge protection to a massive warehouse in Mansfield is one of them.

The job involved putting edge protection around the entire building – that’s well over 2000 feet of edge protection – not to mention also building no fewer than 120 stair towers and support towers.

Jem Winstone, Managing Director of Tamworth Scaffolding, knew that the only cost effective solution was to use Haki System Scaffold: “When it comes to site stair towers, everyone knows that  Haki is the answer (it has almost become the generic term for stair towers, after all), but it also offers the same benefits when it comes to loading towers: Haki loading towers offer a system scaffold solution that removes the need for a scaffold design and reduces the erection time by a remarkable 80%. On a project like this one at Mansfield, that represents a massive time and cost saving for the client.”